
投稿者: | 2023年7月1日









In the story I dropped the other day, defiance creates a destiny to oppose each other.
So they created a destiny to compete with each other. When one of them first defies the other by some impulse, they create a destiny against each other. The story was that it made him feel worse.

For example, if you are angry with your boss or a friend and want to complain or complain in an abusive way, a strong attitude will surface. Let’s say you can’t control your impulses and you directly oppose them.

When that happens, you are not the only one who opposes your opponent, but your opponent also creates a destiny that opposes you. You are not alone in confronting the other person, and the other person will not accept your opinion, even if it is not expressed in your facial expression.

If you keep doing that, more and more people will fight back the more you fight back, and then more and more people will fight back “No!” even if they want help in their work or life. When people don’t help themselves, they don’t understand that they have their own causes of suffering, and they just suffer because of friction with others.

I’m not saying not to go against unreasonable things. To say no is different, and to say no is the work of demons and specters, and to the world it is just a phenomenon. There is no right or wrong in defiance, and the impulse to defy is eliminated by removing it from the soul.

I don’t want to be a pain in the to minimize my work, whether my impulses are entwined in various things or I want to go against them. It means that they are not thinking or defying why they should do this. It’s just unreasonable. You’re being unreasonable. Conditions such as being oppressed are excluded.

However, it is not a common situation for people to go against the situation at work or at home based on their mood or mood. You might want to think about that.